
What to Do When You've Been Accused of Fraud

Fraud claims take any number of forms, but no matter the scope, type, or scale of your accused fraudulent activity, you can rest assured that state and federal agents will take it very seriously. Because of the increased scrutiny on the financial services sector after the 2008 Great Recession, prosecutors are eager to “make an example” of those accused of fraud, and may mistakenly categorize your transactions as suspicious. From corporate embezzlement to defrauding a health insurer, any perceived financial wrongdoing may be punished with unrelenting force.

Although you may be completely innocent of the fraud charges against you, you will need to act carefully when working with police, investigators, and prosecuting attorneys. These cases are almost always complex and filled with pitfalls for unwary suspects. At Brad Bailey Law, our experienced white collar defense attorney has over a decade of providing high-caliber representation at every level. We can fight for you when no one else can.

Below, we’ll touch on a few things you should keep in mind once you’ve been accused of fraud:

  • Never admit fault. You always have the right to remain silent, even in cases of alleged financial misdeeds. While the opposing side may attempt to scare you into a confession by showing you bank statements or other paper evidence they’ve collected, you should not admit to any wrongdoing, certainly not without your attorney present.
  • Ask for the accusations in writing. When dealing with complex financial crimes, the other side may try to use jargon to confuse you. Seeing your charges fully written out is one of the best ways to start understanding what you’ve been accused of – and how you can fight back. However, tread carefully here: It’s better to avoid any back-and-forth discussion about the nature of your crimes, as anything you say could be taken out of context in court.
  • Keep a level head. In any criminal case, it’s important to keep calm and avoid using hyperbolic or threatening language. You may be justifiably angry about the false fraud accusations, and seek to correct the misunderstanding on the spot. But in fraud cases, anger and belligerence can cause even more problems for you down the line, as investigators view it as evidence that they’ve cornered you. Don’t give in to the temptation and you’ll do better in court.

When you’re facing a complex fraud case, turn to Brad Bailey Law to get the results you need. Contact us at (617) 500-0252 for more information.

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